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Time Well Spent

Jered Stewart

Mixed emotions. I’m sure we’ve all had them. Those moments when you are both simultaneously happy and sad. Perhaps it’s a wedding day or commencement ceremony. You are excited for the future, but also a little melancholy about the past, because things have changed. Those kids have grown up and you are excited that they are on their way, but also sad because…they are on their way. You realize there is no going back. How did it happen so quickly? Where did the time go?

At Bethany we offer a great deal of activities through our community life department. On a weekly basis residents are spending time on crafts, art classes, bus trips, tai chi, and a dozen other things. As I was walking through Merrivista a few weeks ago I ran into a Bible study in the sunroom. At Nichols Village there is a wellness center with an exercise room and a beautiful garden. Mission Towers has a vibrant meeting space on the 7th floor and Phoenix Row has lots going on with morning coffee and art classes at the Ornsteen. At Four Mile Village residents gather regularly in the community building for coffee hour on Wednesday or to play cards. No matter which community you are in, there are things to do and ways to spend your time.

Someone once said, “how we spend our days is how we spend our lives.” That quote is beginning to mean more to me now more than ever. As I get towards what may be the middle age of life, the realization that time is limited has become more real to me. It makes me think more about how I spend my days.

It’s encouraging when I go out and about to see so many residents spending their time well. Perhaps there are some things that we can’t do anymore, or maybe not as well as we once did. But no one is ever too old to learn or try something new.

For the introverts out there, I know trying new things can be difficult. Many of us would prefer a quiet place and a good book. This month I would like to nudge you all to consider trying something new. Perhaps stopping by coffee hour, taking a trip out for lunch, or going to the dining room (to be opened soon at Merrivista), joining an art class, or striking up a conversation with a neighbor. You may surprise yourself by trying something new. Go out and spend your days well.

“How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour and that one is what we are doing.” – Annie Dillard

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