The month of November is not always my favorite. The dark mornings (and evenings) as the days grow shorter and the nights longer. The bone chilling damp coldness that begins to creep in. The odd rule of changing our clocks (fall back?) so that our biological systems can be messed up for a few days (or weeks). Even the word “November” doesn’t make sense as it refers to the 9th month of the year, not the 11th (look it up). What good is November?
Well, maybe there are a few good things. My wife was born in November, so I’m thankful for that. And we all know that Thanksgiving is in November, which is a good reminder to be thankful. The last week of November is probably the best time for Thanksgiving, because that’s probably the point in time that most people have had enough of the cold and darkness, even though winter hasn’t even begun yet. When you are down and blue and it’s cold and dark…just remember…be thankful!
I am also thankful in November because it’s time to honor our Veterans. Veterans Day is a great holiday and a time to thank those among us who have served our country. In serving our country they have served each of us by protecting our freedom and way of life. This is not something we should take for granted. There are many in the world without the freedom and liberty that we enjoy. Don’t take it lightly!
Veterans also don’t get to choose where they will go, and they don’t get to decide whether it’s fair or not. Many in our history have gone to places they didn’t want to go and served in ways they didn’t want to serve. But they did it because they said they would. They are people of integrity.
“A Veteran is someone who, at one point in their life wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America,” for an amount up to and including their life.”
Lastly, we know that November is election month. May we recognize that our right to vote is an opportunity many don’t have in this world. And this right to vote has been protected by those Veterans who wrote that blank check. Politics can be ugly, but may we exercise our right to vote, may we use our voice, may we be kind regardless of the outcome, and may we be thoughtful and appreciate those who served to provide and protect these rights. Thank you, Veterans!
Did you know?...
Some reports show that 72% of the world’s population live under authoritarian rule. That’s about 5.7 billion people worldwide who don’t have the right or opportunity to vote.